True Love is the action to choose unconditionally in the process of offering to another human being the qualities of:
Affection, Care, Concern, Respect, Thoughtfulness, Forgiveness, Compassion, Trust, Joy and many other positive emotional expressions of value and worth toward ANY living being as being Loveable and valuable.
Love is just love. Love is not trading of emotions, it cant be compared to a savings bank account where u deposit emotions n withdraw care. Love is pure , its impulsive , its unbreakable , it cant be compared to a broken string because love cannot be broken it can only be paused for a while.
When you see each other and have a smile on your face, when your loved one makes a mistake and you can't get angry on him even when you try hard. When you think of spending every possible time with your loved one.
This is true love
"True love" can and will differ from person to person based on emotional maturity. To know true love you not only must love in such a way that you would give your own life at the drop of a hat to save him/her. If you get married to someone, and fifteen years later, you can still look them in the eye and feel the same you did on your first date, then it's true love. Like the below quote; a good way to know true love is to base it on how you feel for the last person you love romantically in your life.
I get choked up telling her how much I care about her.
- I feel pain every time she hurts.
- every couple I see reminds me of her.
- everything I want to do I want to do with her.
- I have a craving for something I crave it with with her.
- it still excites me when she calls.
- telling each other we love each other means more each time.
- I know that I love her more now than I did yesterday.
- I can be my absolute self with her and she can do the same.
- her beauty in my eyes never fades.
- we can disagree and still compromise with each other.
True love: is hard to find and painful to lose,
-can be the best thing that happens to you or the worst,
- can drive you crazy or keep you sane,
-can destroy lives or save them,
-can stop wars or start them,
-can clarify or confuse,
-pushes and pulls people away,
-obvious and subliminal, is impossible to define
-When one is aware of shortcomings of the partner and yet accepts.
-When the ego does not come in between in differences and one would rather clear the air, or apologise and patch up, than break-up.
-When one 'desires' the partner in his/her life.
-When you 'chose' to be with him/ her inspite of other options - not bec there are no options !
When you give each other space and respect individuality.
-When you enjoy togetherness - talking or even silence - and tender touching.
-When you cant even think of hurting or insult the partners feeling.
-You never wish him/ her ill and would never harm in any way.
This is true love.
Like true love the topic is also 'endless'.
The love that brings a woman a man together is known as the third level of love. This level is among the strongest of them all.This kind of love has brought together families that have argued for years and years, such as in the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet. Even though the two mentioned made a big mistake in the end, it still brought their families together.
The phrase, love makes the world go round is very true. It's is our driving force, is gives us the necessary power to survive in this world that for many has no meaning for what ever reason it may be. Poems, plays, and legends can only briefly touch the true meaning of love. We can only feel what that meaning is, and express it in ways only we can understand towards another. Its the "language of the world" which makes it possible for the women and men to bond together in a relationship, or marriage. The language of the world is know by everybody no matter what part of the world they are coming from. If you look a woman in the eye and she looks back at you in that special way that cant be explained there is no need for words. No need for translation. Love does not need words to be explained. The true question we should be asking is not, what is life, but what is love?
-Love is patient,
- love is kind.
-Love does not envy,
-Love does not boast,
-Love is not proud.
-Love is not rude,
-Love is not self-seeking,
-Love is not easily angered,
-Love keeps no record of wrongs.
-Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
-Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
This is true love....it never comes to an end...True love is being with each other always and forever till the end of days
God bless and Allah Hafiz
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