Sunday 24 July 2011

heartbreak quotes124

heartbreak quotes124

reijene says... sometimes i'm just a sucker for pain. =) enjoy.

Chico's words...
There seems to be an explosion of “emo-ness” in the air. Could it be that 2009 is really a difficult year all-around? Or is there just an over-abundance of drama in our lives? So it’s perfect to post this popular topic today. So for those in the mood, swim it it!

February 3, 2009 → The Top Ten Heartbreak Quotes – Astroboy, Oscar Dela Hopia, Specialist

Rusher Loparigno – “Sometimes the greatest enemy of our present happiness is the past happiness that is too well remembered.”

Aurae - “Why ruin the perfectly beautiful petals of a flower when you know from the start…that he loves you not.”

Aurae - “We know little about pain and regret — except that it is soluble in alcohol.”

Archiemon/Ivan - M. Kathleen Casey: “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”

Rhapsody – From the TV show House: “You left her because you want to be miserable.
Miserable will not make you special. It will just make you miserable.”

Vi – “In love, what matters is not your success, but your significance.”

Maomao – Peter Parker: “What’s even more painful than being abandoned, is knowing that you’re not even worth an explanation.”

Lea – “I cried today not because I miss you, but because I finally realized I’m going to be alright without you.”

RC and Cess – “Break-ups occur when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object.”

Sophie – “I’d rather be healthy alone, than sick with someone else.”

Bards – “Sometimes, you just have to put a period on something that has to end, and not settle for a comma.”

Benargirl/Candies - “Trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to remember someone you never knew.”

Glenskie – “6 billion people in the world, and all you need is one.”

Breise/Shall/Natalie – “When you left me, I was the one who loved you more. But between us, you lost more. Because someday, I can find someone I can love the way I loved you. But you will never find another who will love you the way I did.”

Charmville - “Love and death are two uninvited guests. Nobody knows when they come, but both do the same work. One takes the heart and the other takes it’s beat.

Maalindog na Paruparu – “Should I die of a broken heart, tell him it isn’t because he loved me too little, but because I loved him too much.”

Gudeve – “Everyone says love hurts. Love doesn’t hurt. Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, envy hurts…but not love.”

No name – “Hearts are often broken with words left unspoken.”

Phipay Phapot – “We don’t eat what we’ve thrown up.”

Pulanglangit – “After a break-up, we mourn not for what we’ve lost, but for what’s left of it.”

No name – “Love is giving him the power to destroy you, but trusting him not to.”

No name – “Nothing in this world is permanent. You just have to love it while you have it.”

No name – “They say people come and go, but the truth is, no one really disappears from your life. People never really leave…their roles just change.”

No name – “Love can make us inseparable, but it can also reduce us to two people trying to forget each other.”

B – “Love is a 4-letter word for: ‘Here’s my heart and soul, please grind them into a hamburger and enjoy!’”

Lesh/Temptress26 – “Sometimes you can’t let go of the hurt, because it’s all that’s left of the greatest love story you never thought would end.”

Eien17 – “Love is one game you lose, by refusing to play.”

Joanna/Astroboy – “Being brokenhearted is like having a broken pair of ribs: on the outside it looks like there’s nothng wrong. But what no one knows is that every single breath hurts.”

Bibimpop – “It’s impossible to find someone who won’t make you cry. So instead, look for someone who will be worth the tears.”

Ash – “It took years to find you, but only a heartbeat to lose you.”

Dementia – “You cannot judge how I choose to fix what you broke.”

Eien17 – “The hardest part of saying goodbye, is having to do it all over again every single day.”

TReiz – “Someday I will find a person who fits me so well and so completely that I will forget all my previous heartbreaks. But today is not that day.”

Buck – “Meant for each other, does not always mean, meant to last.”

Ken – Celia Rodriguez: “You don’t move on from the pain. You get used to it.”

No name – “The most difficult times are mornings, knowing that the man of your dreams is waking up with the wrong woman.”

Yen - “When giving up is less painful than holding on, then it is time to let go.”

Archiemon - “You love to hate the one who loves the one you hate to love.”

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